There… And Back Again

Wow, ok, hi… This was supposed to come out on January 1st, on the second anniversary of Weird As Usual, but tHeN iT dIDn’T! I wanted to go out with a bang, and didn’t have the time to make something I felt really proud of until recently. You probably saw this coming, honestly. I’m officially … Continue reading There… And Back Again

Let’s Have a Chill Sit Down and Talk About Music

Just what it says on the tin, folks. I like music, and now, *evil laugh* I’m going to force you to listen to the music I like!! You can’t stop me!Well, you don’t have to listen. But I will be forcing you to look at the links and hoping you are overcome by your own … Continue reading Let’s Have a Chill Sit Down and Talk About Music

The Liebster Award- Illustrated Edition

lol I think I misspelled "Liebster" but honestly who knows. The Rules: Thank the blogger who nominated you. (many thanks to Maple at Maple Quill Penning Magic!) Display your award. Behold! (after publishing, NC realized how weird that looks on her background color. And what did she do about it? Nothing, as you have probably guessed … Continue reading The Liebster Award- Illustrated Edition